Events Archive

Book Talk

Starry Field: A Memoir of Lost History , with Margaret Juhae Lee

Location: MCC Theater 

Lecture, hosted by EAC, EALCS, and Dept. of History of Art and Architecture

Is He Popular Yet? The Many Lives of Confucius in Pictures, with Julia Murray

Location: Art 1332


Tomiyama Taeko: A Tale of Sea Wanderers

Location: UCSB Art, Design & Architecture Museum

Lecture, Sponsored by EAC and EALCS

Fabrizio Pregadio on The Language of Daoist Internal Alchemy

Location: McCune Conference Room, HSSB 6020


International Workshop "The Makers of Buddhism"


Kristina Kironska: Formosa as a Safe Haven?


Art Department Colloquium: Soo Kim