Events Archive
Making the “Terrorist-Worker”: Uyghur Forced Labor and Colonial Racial Capitalism in Northwest China, with Darren Byler
Location: SSMS 2135
Host/s: Organized by the East Asia Center with generous support from the China Peace and Understanding Fund.
Lecture, hosted by EAC, EALCS, and Dept. of History of Art and Architecture
Is He Popular Yet? The Many Lives of Confucius in Pictures, with Julia Murray
Location: Art 1332
Lecture, Sponsored by EAC and EALCS
Fabrizio Pregadio on The Language of Daoist Internal Alchemy
Location: McCune Conference Room, HSSB 6020
Zoom Lecture
Vincent Goossaert on Mapping the Society of the Chinese Gods: Social Network Analysis and Divine Assemblages in Early Modern China
Location: Attend Zoom lecture using this link. You can view the lecture in person in Girvetz 2320.
Wendy Matsumura on Okinawa after Area (Studies), or Writing Okinawa in the Settler Colonial University
Location: SSMS 2135