Sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic, Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities across the country have been subjected to increased hate incidents, including verbal harassment, civil rights violations, and physical assaults. Since its founding in March 2020, thousands of incidents have been reported to the Stop AAPI Hate coalition. Manjusha Kulkarni will discuss how Stop AAPI Hate is addressing anti-Asian hate through civil rights enforcement, education equity, community-based safety, and building a movement against systemic racism. Manjusha Kulkarni, Esq., is Co-Founder and Co-Director of Stop AAPI Hate, Executive Director of AAPI Equity Alliance, serves on the Board of Directors of LA Voice, and is a member of the City of Los Angeles Ethics Commission and the California Racial and Identity Profiling Advisory Board. This event is both in person and will be livestreamed on the Capp Center's YouTube channel (link here). This event is organized by the Capp Center and co-sponsored by EAC and other centers and departments across UCSB.